
Hand painted wood cover visitors books

This Christmas I decided to hand make some visitors books for my parents and my grandparents, because I just couldn't find anything in the shops that really matched what I was looking for. I bought four pieces of thin wooden board, which I drilled holes in, sanded and primed with gesso.  I painted the covers with a mixture of gouache and acrylics, then bound them both with metal rings with blank paper inside. They can write notes, visitors can leave messages or they can paste photos inside.  These were really fun to make, and I can already think of so many more uses for personalised booklets like this, can't wait to make more! 🎨

Serving Boards - Landscapes and Birds

Last year I began to experiment with painting on wooden serving boards. The smooth surface is a dream to paint on, and I love how the wood gives a natural look to the background. I have so many designs in mind for these, so hope to do many more in 2020! 

Commission for a friend :)

I recently had the awesome opportunity to create this portrait as a special birthday gift. I don't I'll ever get tired of painting fur babies!!  If you know someone who would love to have their furry friend painted on to a beautiful piece of native wood, send an email to

Acrylic mini painting series.

After moving cities a few months ago, I realised that all my art supplies had been packed so "safely" that I didn't know where they were! So I found some acrylic paints, and some old watercolour paper, and set myself a challenge.. 30 mini paintings in 30 days.  These are the first few. They are 4 x 4 inches and took at least an hour each to complete. Prints are available for $5 each or 3 for $12. 

New supplies, new art style, trying something new (again!?!)

Every single day I get inspired by things all around me, and every day I think of new and exciting projects and artworks I want to try. My favourite thing to paint this month... cute food puns!  I find it so hard to just stick to one idea, technique or medium!  Hence this unnecessary shopping trip to get new art supplies.. I had a voucher for an arts/ stationery supply store, so saw the chance to grab a few things that I've been wanting to try, but wouldn't normally pick up.  This time I got water mixable oils, water mixable linseed oil, some new brushes, some water brushes and some resin.  I don't really know how the resin idea came about... (well, I do... I'm addicted to pinterest and think that I have the time/skill/money to do every single craft project I find on there...!!).  If I find time I will experiment with the resin, but so far I am loving the water brushes and hope to try the oils this week. 

90's cartoon brush pen sketches

My idea for Inktober last year was to sketch my favourite 90's cartoons using some brush pens I picked up at Daiso. I didn't quite get through the 31 days, probably because I was doing daily paintings as well.. But I still like the ones I did get done :)